Behind the brand story: Rebalance Massage

Danielle Garber_brand strategist_ stood infront of ceiling height brand moodboard


Table of Contents

    In the first of my behind-the-brand story series, I’m joined by Janet Camela, founder of Rebalance Massage London. Janet specialises in remedial massage, scar massage and reflexology for women’s health.

    What to expect

    Janet shares the story behind her brand, and we discuss why she became a massage therapist.

    We also discuss her back surgery and the revelatory osteopathy session that led her to offer Scar Therapy for her clients.

    She shares the transformative impact reflexology has had on her decades-long struggle with period pain, how that journey led her to train to be a reflexologist, and the work she’s doing with reflexology and women’s health.

    In this open and honest chat, we explore the power of intention, connection, complementary and integrative approaches to healing, and, finally, the importance of finding what works for you as an individual.

    Find out about the incredible work Janet is doing with Rebalance massage by visiting the Rebalance Massage website.

    View the Rebalance brand and web design project

    Useful Timestamps

    9.10 – Massage doesn’t have to hurt to heal

    12.08 – Intention is more important than technique

    14.00 – Disposable culture

    22.25 – An introduction to scar therapy

    27.00 – Janet’s scar therapy experience

    29.00 – finding a gentle approach to healing – the thread that runs through everything Rebalance Massage stands for

    39.58 – The 3 things Janet would do if she could rewind the clock to her first period

    44.40 – Your unique health journey

    49.00 – How quickly should you expect to see results with reflexology

    49.29 – How often to have reflexology

    50.54 – How Scar therapy works

    53.14 – Challenging the idea that mums should be forced to accept negative changes to their bodies after birth

    55.00 – The impact of scar therapy

    About the Behind the Brand Story series

    I feel so blessed to work with the incredible clients that I do. I’m always fascinated and blown away by the incredible work that they are doing in the world. I want to share their stories with my audience so that you can also benefit from their expertise and knowledge.

    The Behind the brand story series is a passion project I hope will educate and inspire. If you found it useful and interesting, please share this conversation with your friends and family.

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    Danielle Garber

    Danielle Garber

    Brand designer and strategist with 20 years experience. I create and develop strategically aligned, stand out brands for coaches and consultants in the health & wellness, spiritual & personal development space. I help heart-centred entrepreneurs scale their impact and income through my integrative brand approach that encompasses strategy, design and brand-aligned SEO.

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