Wildwood Nutrition Branding

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Wildwood Nutrition: Behind the Brand

Julie came to me as the final touches were being completed on the main house that would become home to her Naturopathic Nutrition Clinic and Retreat Centre in Hamble, Southampton.

Julie had a crystal clear vision for what she wanted to achieve, she just needed the brand identity, and name to support it.

We worked together to build the brand from scratch, which included naming her business Wildwood Nutrition, providing a full Brand Design and WordPress website design for a naturopathic nutritional therapy clinic and yoga retreat centre, based in Southampton, Hampshire.

The woods always had to feature heavily in this brand, since these ancient woods are deeply entwined in the very fabric of what makes Wildwood so special.

Designing the logo

The whole Wildwood concept was built on the ancient woods that the house is set within. Great care has been taken to preserve these woods throughout the building of the house and as custodian of the woods, Julie is incredibly protective of them.

The logo was based on a sketch that Julie had made of the line of silver birch trees that sit directly outside the bay window of the kitchen and mark the edge of the wood.

Wildwood brand moodboard _Be-More-You-brand design

Choosing a nature-inspired colour palette

Everything about the brand pays homage to its natural settings so it seemed fitting to take the colours from the forest itself.

The colour palette mimics colours the evergreens of the pine, and the softer hues of white sage, mixed with wild mushroom and the warm yellow and brown of turning autumn leaves.

Wildwood brand colour palette_Be-More-You-brand design

Selecting the brand font

As a BANT registered nutritionist, Julie is passionate about using science-backed research and was keen to reflect these high standards across everything in her brand.

We chose a neutral serif font for Wildwood that felt like it would not be out of place in an old medical textbook as a nod to the years of study Julie has put in. That was coupled with a highly readable sans-serif for body text since it was also highly important to deliver her message in an accessible way.

Brand Mock up Wildwood nutrition nutritionist logo and retreat brand design2 1920x1080

Nutritionist Web Design

“Light, easy to read and easy to navigate” was the brief for the Wildwood Nutrition website. I was keen to give Julie an elevated brand presence that reveals the unique offering that Wildwood has.

We worked closely together on the content and wording to make sure that the strong brand message was carried through across the whole of the website.

The services page incorporates a booking function to enable customers to book a discovery call directly.

In addition to setting up the website, we also set up a Google my Business page and Facebook page complete with branded graphics.

Julie is delighted to have worked with clients from across the world who have found her online.

Danielle Garber

Danielle Garber

Brand designer and strategist with 20 years experience. I create and develop strategically aligned, stand out brands for coaches and consultants in the health & wellness, spiritual & personal development space. I help heart-centred entrepreneurs scale their impact and income through my integrative brand approach that encompasses strategy, design and brand-aligned SEO.

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